who knows a girl named Wendy who worked in the Peruvian Embassy in Copenhaguen Denmark ? need her
2007-02-02 08:40:22 UTC
who knows a girl named Wendy who worked in the Peruvian Embassy in Copenhaguen Denmark in the years 1999 - 2001 ? i need her telephone number or e mail ...
Six réponses:
2007-02-02 08:43:11 UTC
Go to and ask this question coz this one is a french site.Good luck
2007-02-02 21:57:41 UTC
I think its better that you phone at the Peruvian Embassy and ask for her.Here no one can help you.
2007-02-03 09:53:38 UTC
Celina say true, i think than no one can help you

I don't know, sorry but you could know if you go in Peruvian Embassy or you could go Danmark Embassy in Paris

Do you know his surname? (for go in annuare)
2007-02-02 16:49:50 UTC
Here is french, not danish!
2007-02-02 19:29:03 UTC
I don't know this girls but I don't know if it is a good idea to ask this question in France.

It's good to speak in english, and for that I give you One star for you.

Good luck for your search. See you
2007-02-02 16:43:11 UTC
I'm sorry, I don't know.

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